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Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment:- Munesushe Munodawafa

Not Only Data, But Quality Data For Climate Action-Munodawafa

By Shingirai Vambe

You probably guessed that data isn’t created out of thin air, most of the information exists beforehand, but not in a way you can use it, thus Data capture is the process that allows you to collect information.

In that regard, the Climate Change Management Department (CCMD) in its bid to measure, report and verify the implementation of the Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDs) and the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) has organised training workshops, educating and raising awareness on the importance of capturing data.

Four sectors which play  key roles not only as data providers but as contributors to climate action have been engaged,  and it is during this training that all the issues that are at hand in terms of development and implementation of the LED strategy and the NDC revision process are discussed and fine tuned.


The same approach is being used in Agriculture (AFOLU), Energy, Waste and now Industry sector, and there should be aware to how data is calculated and  how it is provided from all the four sectors which are also drivers of climate change.

With all the sector’s submissions, source and focal point of information has been highlighted to be the Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency (ZIMSTAT). though Zimstat has to be served with information and for the past weeks, CCMD through the support of United Nations Development Program (UNDP) had training on how to estimate emissions and provide data use for such calculations.

Under the Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement, countries are supposed to communicate regularly with information on their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventories, and this calls for continuous flow of data to enable a proper estimation.

The Permanent Secretary in the ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Munesushe Munodawafa while opening the Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) sector workshop on LEDs  (GHGs and Mitigation) In Kadoma today, said it is not only data capturing but capturing of quality data.

The Perm Sec bemoaned the situation at Pomona dump site and urged responsible authorities to pave way to private players who wish to invest and generate both energy and income from waste dumped at Pomona.

“There is Variety of mitigation measures available for the industry sector to reduce its emissions such as alternative sources of energy like the use of natural gas, solar lighting and other forms of renewable energy, Clinker substitution in cement manufacture and nitrous oxide abatement technologies as well as circular economy  practices including waste to energy conversion”

Munodawafa told Post On Sunday that this kind of engagement by CCMD will go a long way, as there is a closure of gaps which were existing within the four sectors and assured participants that he will continue to support every initiative to the collection of data and implementing Zimbabwe’s Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.