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Zimbabwe Government Release New School Calendar

By Shingirai Vambe

Harare- The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education MOPSE has released a new school calender following a long time closure due to Covid lockdown.

The release which was confirmed by ministry staff, Patrick Zumbo came at a time when the President had just relaxed level 4 lockdown which started on January 5 2021 when schools were about to open.

The new calender will see exam classes opening on the 15th day  of March 2021 and the rest opening on the 22nd of March ending 4 June with a  total of 56 school running days this first term.

Unions have however disputed to that effect stating that there was no proper consultations between government and teachers, which may affect the opening of schools while salary and working conditions during this Covid period should be a subject matter.

Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe, Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union and Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe told this publication that the most affected are rural teachers.

“We are also parents, prices of goods and services continue to rise, we need to pay our children school fees, rentals and buy food with this paltry $14000 is not enough”.

Teachers demonstrating against poor remuneration

Takavafira Zhou told this publication that this move by government is simply described as “it can’t”  mathematics know word.

However, parents are doing their last minute shopping and some complain of no money since they had gone for 3 months without income, while appreciating Government’s move following children missing classes last year due to Covid lockdown.

Late last year reports of schools getting closed after student contracted to covid were increasing and parliament requested for proper measures to curb the spread of the Covid pandemic to be put in place before pupils return to school.

For views and comments follow shingirai vambe @vampfunctions