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The Significance Of Houseflies And Maggots To Environment

Own Correspondent

Though flies and Maggots are a menace to humankind, they play a very critical to ecosystem and continuity of life.

If there were no flies, the world would be littered with dead bodies everywhere and would be inhabitable.

Maggots facilitate decomposition and breakdown of decaying tissues returning the nutrients in the soil rather than being lost. The flesh of dead animals and plants are quickly reduced by Maggots to manure fertilising the soil.

Further more Maggots are important in the food chain, being consumed by a wide variety of vertebrates and invertebrates.

As decomposers, maggots are important to the nutritional cycle of many ecosystems and help nutrients available to plants and other organisms.
While maggots consume decaying organic matter, larvae of different species have different fly species have different food preference.

Maggots are much more than just the immature stage of flies, they play a crucial role as decomposers, breaking down organic matter and recycle nutrients in to the soil.

Maggots are found all over the world and hooks that are located on the tapered end of bodies.

Humans are selfish by occupying vast tracks of land with graves which are secured depriving the natural ecosystem to take palace.

The life cycle of a maggot begins as a tiny egg laid by a fly, and worm like larvae hatch from these eggs. Each female fly can lay up to 500 egg in several batches of 75 to 150 eggs over a three to four days period. Flies takes 12 days after reaching maturity.